Integrative Genomics Viewer | Java Web Start launchers for Windows and Mac OS X operating systems. Three memory configurations are provided. The standard recommendation is 750 MB. Larger amounts of memory may be required for preprocessing very large files (> ~1 GB).
When to use: This is the easiest way to launch IGV. If you encounter difficulty please email us with a description of the problem, your operating system, and web browser. | |
Binary Distribution | Binary distribution archive for Windows, Mac OS X, an Linux.
Click here for instructions.
When to use: Some users, particularly those with Linux operating systems, have reported difficulty starting IGV with Java Web Start launchers. As an alternative, use this binary distribution to download and start IGV as a standalone application. | |
Source Code | Source distribution archive for Windows, Mac OS X, and Linux.
Click here for build instructions.
When to use: This distribution is provided for users interested in the Java source code for IGV. | |
Alignment Processor | IGV preprocessor for converting alignments from sequence based technologies to read count distributions that can be visualized in IGV. Click here for package description. When to use: Use this package to preprocess ChIP-seq or RNA-seq data, creating a binary .h5 file that can be loaded into IGV. |
Example Data Files | Data from Assessing the significance of chromosomal aberrations in cancer: Methodology and application to glioma (Beroukhim et al., 2007), which is used in the IGV Quick Start tutorial. | Download |