This archive contains source and binaries for the Integrative Genomics Viewer (IGV). =========================== RUNNING =========================== Prerequisites: Java J2SE 5.0 (JDK 1.5) or greater. To verify your java version type "java -version" at te command line. TO run IGV execute one of the following command line scripts igv_run_win.bat (for Windows systems) (for LINUX 32-bit systems) (for LINUX 64-bit systems) (for MAC OsX POWERPC systems) (for MAC OsX INTEL systems) ======================== BUILDING IGV ======================== Prerequisites: Ant 1.7.0 or greater ( Java J2SE 5.0 or greater ( 1. Download and unzip the source distribution file. 2. Run the provided ant script ant -buildfile igv_build.xml The above script will build "igv.jar" and update the "dist" directory included in the distribution.