======================= IGV BINARY DISTRIBUTION ======================= Prerequisites: Java 5.0 or greater (http://www.java.com). Version 6.0 or greater is highly recommended if available for your platform. Instructions: 1. Download and unzip the distribution file to a directory of your choice. 2. Start IGV with one of the following command line scripts. igv_run_win.bat (for Windows systems) igv_run_linux.sh (for LINUX 32 bit systems) igv_run_linux-64.sh (for LINUX 64 bit systems) igv_run_mac-powerpc.sh (for MAC OsX POWERPC systems) igv_run_mac-intel.sh (for MAC OsX INTEL systems) The bat and shell scripts are configured to start IGV with 500MB of memory. This is a reasonable default for most machines. If you are working with very large datasets you can increase the amount of memory available to IGV by editing the first line of the startup script. Specifically change the value of the "-Xmx" parameter. For example, to start IGV with 1 gigabyte of memory change the value -Xmx500m to -Xmx1000m