Rat YAC Library Information

In addition to our work on the rat genetic map, we have developed a YAC library which has been made into DNA pools and spotted onto membranes by Research Genetics, Inc. The library consists of approximately 41,300 clones with an average insert size of 830kb. Genomic DNA from a female of the rat strain, Fisher 344, was inserted into the EcoRI site of the pRML1 and pRML2 vector arms. J57D was used as the yeast host strain. Research Genetics has made this resource available to the research community. Please see the Research Genetics online catalog for details. You may also address inquiries regarding pricing and availability of this resource to (ewick@resgen.com).

The manuscript describing the rat YAC library is the following:

M.L. Haldi, P. Lim, K. Kaphingst, U. Akella, J. Whang, and E.S. Lander (1997). Construction of a large-insert yeast artifical chromosome library of the rat genome. Mammalian Genome 8, 284.

In addition, the methods followed were extremely similiar to those used in the construction of the mouse YAC library. These methods are described in the following publication:

M.L. Haldi, C. Strickland, P. Lim,V. VanBerkel, X.-N. Chen, D. Noya, J.R. Korenberg, Z. Husain, J. Miller, E.S. Lander (1996). A comprehensive large-insert yeast artificial chromosome library for physical mapping of the mouse genome. Mammalian Genome 7, 767-769.