#including all the peaks #args = commandArgs(trailingOnly=TRUE) #DISEASE = args[2] # "CD", "UC", "RA" "AD" # DIS2GRP=c(CD="IBD", # UC="IBD", # RA="IBD", # AD="AD") # GRP =DIS2GRP[DISEASE] # HM="H3K27ac" # # REFs.SLCT = c("E040","E039", "E048", "E047", "E029", "E032", "E046", "BPNeutrop") # DISEASEs = list() # DISEASEs$AD="AD" # DISEASEs$IBD=c("CD", "UC", "RA")#c("CD", "UC", "RA", "AD") #for disease specific haQTL CHRs = 1:22 TYPE="Q0.1" dir.in.plink = "~/lhou.compbio/data/LDSC/1000G_EUR_Phase3_plink/" dir.in.snp = "~/lhou.compbio/data/LDSC/hapmap3_snps/" files.in.bed = c() dir.tmp = paste0("~/hptmp/MayoBipolar/ldsc_a_annot_bulkDP/") dir.create(dir.tmp, showWarnings = F, recursive = T) file.ou.sh.pref = "a.getAnnotScore." dir.ou.annot = paste0("a_annotations_bulkDP/") dir.create(dir.ou.annot, showWarnings = F, recursive = T) #file.ou.RDS = paste(dir.ou.annot, "totalAnnots.RDS", sep="") sh.head = paste("#!/bin/bash", "#$ -S /bin/bash", #"#$ -P compbio_lab", #"#$ -binding linear:1", "##$ -V", "#$ -cwd", "#$ -e ./error.$JOB_NAME.$JOB_ID", "#$ -o ./outpt.$JOB_NAME.$JOB_ID", "#$ -l h_vmem=10g", # "#$ -l h_rt=15:00:00", "##$ -pe smp 5", "source ~/.bashrc", "source ~/.my.bashrc", "source activate ldsc", sep="\n") # ###differential peaks####################################### PEAK.WIN =10000 files.in.DP.bed = system(paste0("find ../peakMergeNormal/c_bulkDiffPeak_deseq2_V1.2_addCov/*diffPeak.", TYPE, "*bed"), intern = T) #paste0("../deconv/d_2_diffPeak_deconv_real_rmBE_rmBulkDP_V1.6.7.1_addCov_withIntrcpt_", DISEASE.GRP, "_summary/diffPeak.") #"../untilBatch8.2.2018/c_2_diffPeak_deconv_real_V1.6.1_rmBE_AD_summary/diffPeak." #"../untilBatch8.2.2018/c_2_diffPeak_deconv_real_V1.6.5_rmBE_lmWithIntrcpt_allPks_IBD_summary/diffPeak." names(files.in.DP.bed)= sapply(files.in.DP.bed, FUN=function(f.i.bed) { gsub(".diffPeak|.bed", "", basename(f.i.bed)) }) for(nm in names(files.in.DP.bed)) { annot.nm = paste(nm, ".", PEAK.WIN/1000, "kbp", sep="") f.tmp = paste(dir.tmp, annot.nm, ".bed", sep="") cmd = paste("awk '(NF>=3){print $1 \"\\t\" ($2-", PEAK.WIN, "<0?0:$2-", PEAK.WIN, ") \"\\t\" $3+", PEAK.WIN, " }' ", files.in.DP.bed[nm], " >", f.tmp, sep="") #remove those empty files system(cmd) peak.NO = as.numeric(unlist(strsplit(system(paste0("wc -l ", f.tmp), intern = T), split=" "))[1]) if(peak.NO >=10) { files.in.bed[paste0(annot.nm, "_", peak.NO)] = f.tmp } } #calculate for(nm in names(files.in.bed)) { for(chr in CHRs[1:22]) #need to take it into different baches to make sure each time less than 1000 job submited { f.o.annot = paste(dir.ou.annot, nm, ".", chr, ".annot.gz", sep="") f.o.l2 = paste(dir.ou.annot, nm, ".", chr, sep="") f.o.sh = paste(file.ou.sh.pref, nm, ".", chr, ".sh", sep="") write(sh.head, f.o.sh) cmd= paste("make_annot.py --bed-file ", files.in.bed[nm], " --bimfile ", dir.in.plink, "/1000G.EUR.QC.", chr, ".bim", " --annot-file ", f.o.annot, sep="") write(cmd, f.o.sh, append = T) cmd= paste("ldsc.py --l2 --bfile ", dir.in.plink, "/1000G.EUR.QC.", chr, " --ld-wind-cm 1 --annot ", f.o.annot, " --thin-annot --out ", f.o.l2, " --print-snps ", dir.in.snp, "/hm.", chr, ".snp", sep="") write(cmd, f.o.sh, append = T) cmd = "echo done!" write(cmd, f.o.sh, append = T) system(paste("qsub " , f.o.sh, sep="")) } }