CellProfiler Pipeline: http://www.cellprofiler.org Version:3 DateRevision:20160418141927 GitHash:9969f42 ModuleCount:8 HasImagePlaneDetails:False LoadData:[module_num:1|svn_version:\'Unknown\'|variable_revision_number:6|show_window:True|notes:\x5B\x5D|batch_state:array(\x5B\x5D, dtype=uint8)|enabled:True|wants_pause:False] Input data file location:Elsewhere...\x7C/imaging/analysis/2008_11_05_QualityControlForScreens_ImagingPlatform/2011_03_22_DemoPlate_ImagingPlatform/Images Name of the file:Filelist_local.csv Load images based on this data?:Yes Base image location:Elsewhere...\x7C/imaging/analysis/2008_11_05_QualityControlForScreens_ImagingPlatform/2011_03_22_DemoPlate_ImagingPlatform/Images Process just a range of rows?:Yes Rows to process:12289,13056 Group images by metadata?:No Select metadata tags for grouping: Rescale intensities?:Yes IdentifyPrimaryObjects:[module_num:2|svn_version:\'Unknown\'|variable_revision_number:10|show_window:True|notes:\x5B\x5D|batch_state:array(\x5B\x5D, dtype=uint8)|enabled:True|wants_pause:False] Select the input image:OrigDAPI Name the primary objects to be identified:Nuclei Typical diameter of objects, in pixel units (Min,Max):20,100 Discard objects outside the diameter range?:Yes Try to merge too small objects with nearby larger objects?:No Discard objects touching the border of the image?:No Method to distinguish clumped objects:Intensity Method to draw dividing lines between clumped objects:Intensity Size of smoothing filter:10 Suppress local maxima that are closer than this minimum allowed distance:7 Speed up by using lower-resolution image to find local maxima?:Yes Name the outline image:NucleiOutlines Fill holes in identified objects?:After both thresholding and declumping Automatically calculate size of smoothing filter for declumping?:Yes Automatically calculate minimum allowed distance between local maxima?:Yes Retain outlines of the identified objects?:Yes Automatically calculate the threshold using the Otsu method?:Yes Enter Laplacian of Gaussian threshold:0.5 Automatically calculate the size of objects for the Laplacian of Gaussian filter?:Yes Enter LoG filter diameter:5 Handling of objects if excessive number of objects identified:Continue Maximum number of objects:500 Threshold setting version:1 Threshold strategy:Global Thresholding method:Otsu Select the smoothing method for thresholding:Automatic Threshold smoothing scale:1 Threshold correction factor:1 Lower and upper bounds on threshold:0.000000,1.000000 Approximate fraction of image covered by objects?:0.01 Manual threshold:0.0 Select the measurement to threshold with:None Select binary image:None Masking objects:From image Two-class or three-class thresholding?:Two classes Minimize the weighted variance or the entropy?:Weighted variance Assign pixels in the middle intensity class to the foreground or the background?:Foreground Method to calculate adaptive window size:Image size Size of adaptive window:10 Use default parameters?:Default Lower outlier fraction:0.05 Upper outlier fraction:0.05 Averaging method:Mean Variance method:Standard deviation # of deviations:2.0 ConvertObjectsToImage:[module_num:3|svn_version:\'Unknown\'|variable_revision_number:1|show_window:True|notes:\x5B\x5D|batch_state:array(\x5B\x5D, dtype=uint8)|enabled:True|wants_pause:False] Select the input objects:Nuclei Name the output image:Nuclei Select the color format:Grayscale Select the colormap:Default MaskImage:[module_num:4|svn_version:\'Unknown\'|variable_revision_number:3|show_window:True|notes:\x5B\x5D|batch_state:array(\x5B\x5D, dtype=uint8)|enabled:True|wants_pause:False] Select the input image:Nuclei Name the output image:LabelOutlines Use objects or an image as a mask?:Image Select object for mask:None Select image for mask:NucleiOutlines Invert the mask?:No SaveImages:[module_num:5|svn_version:\'Unknown\'|variable_revision_number:11|show_window:False|notes:\x5B\x5D|batch_state:array(\x5B\x5D, dtype=uint8)|enabled:True|wants_pause:False] Select the type of image to save:Image Select the image to save:Nuclei Select the objects to save:None Select the module display window to save:None Select method for constructing file names:Single name Select image name for file prefix:None Enter single file name:\\\\g_\\\\g_s\\\\g Number of digits:4 Append a suffix to the image file name?:No Text to append to the image name:Do not use Saved file format:png Output file location:Elsewhere...\x7C/imaging/analysis/2008_11_05_QualityControlForScreens_ImagingPlatform/2011_03_22_DemoPlate_ImagingPlatform/Output/Segmentation/Labels/z_\\\\g Image bit depth:8-bit integer Overwrite existing files without warning?:Yes When to save:Every cycle Rescale the images? :No Save as grayscale or color image?:Grayscale Select colormap:gray Record the file and path information to the saved image?:Yes Create subfolders in the output folder?:No Base image folder:Default Input Folder Saved movie format:avi SaveImages:[module_num:6|svn_version:\'Unknown\'|variable_revision_number:11|show_window:False|notes:\x5B\x5D|batch_state:array(\x5B\x5D, dtype=uint8)|enabled:True|wants_pause:False] Select the type of image to save:Image Select the image to save:NucleiOutlines Select the objects to save:None Select the module display window to save:None Select method for constructing file names:Single name Select image name for file prefix:None Enter single file name:\\\\g_\\\\g_s\\\\g Number of digits:4 Append a suffix to the image file name?:No Text to append to the image name:Do not use Saved file format:png Output file location:Elsewhere...\x7C/imaging/analysis/2008_11_05_QualityControlForScreens_ImagingPlatform/2011_03_22_DemoPlate_ImagingPlatform/Output/Segmentation/Outlines/z_\\\\g Image bit depth:8-bit integer Overwrite existing files without warning?:Yes When to save:Every cycle Rescale the images? :No Save as grayscale or color image?:Grayscale Select colormap:gray Record the file and path information to the saved image?:Yes Create subfolders in the output folder?:No Base image folder:Default Input Folder Saved movie format:avi ExportToDatabase:[module_num:7|svn_version:\'Unknown\'|variable_revision_number:27|show_window:True|notes:\x5B\x5D|batch_state:array(\x5B\x5D, dtype=uint8)|enabled:True|wants_pause:False] Database type:MySQL Database name:2008_11_05_QualityControlForScreens Add a prefix to table names?:Yes Table prefix:U2OS_Segmetation_2011_03_22_ SQL file prefix:SQL_ Output file location:Elsewhere...\x7C/imaging/analysis/2008_11_05_QualityControlForScreens_ImagingPlatform/2011_03_22_DemoPlate_ImagingPlatform/Output Create a CellProfiler Analyst properties file?:Yes Database host: Username: Password: Name the SQLite database file:DefaultDB.db Calculate the per-image mean values of object measurements?:No Calculate the per-image median values of object measurements?:No Calculate the per-image standard deviation values of object measurements?:No Calculate the per-well mean values of object measurements?:No Calculate the per-well median values of object measurements?:No Calculate the per-well standard deviation values of object measurements?:No Export measurements for all objects to the database?:None Select the objects:Cells,Nuclei Maximum # of characters in a column name:64 Create one table per object, a single object table or a single object view?:Single object table Enter an image url prepend if you plan to access your files via http:http\x3A//imageweb/images/CPALinks Write image thumbnails directly to the database?:Yes Select the images for which you want to save thumbnails:OrigDAPI,OrigPhalloidin Auto-scale thumbnail pixel intensities?:Yes Select the plate type:384 Select the plate metadata:ZStep Select the well metadata:Well Include information for all images, using default values?:No Properties image group count:2 Properties group field count:1 Properties filter field count:0 Workspace measurement count:1 Experiment name:Experiment_U2OS Which objects should be used for locations?:None Enter a phenotype class table name if using the classifier tool: Export object relationships?:No Overwrite without warning?:Data only Access CPA images via URL?:Yes Select the classification type:Object Select an image to include:OrigDAPI Use the image name for the display?:No Image name:DAPI Channel color:red Select an image to include:NucleiOutlines Use the image name for the display?:No Image name:Nuclei Channel color:none Do you want to add group fields?:No Enter the name of the group: Enter the per-image columns which define the group, separated by commas:ImageNumber, Image_Metadata_Plate, Image_Metadata_Well Do you want to add filter fields?:Yes Automatically create a filter for each plate?:Yes Create a CellProfiler Analyst workspace file?:No Select the measurement display tool:ScatterPlot Type of measurement to plot on the X-axis:Image Enter the object name:Image Select the X-axis measurement: Select the X-axis index:ImageNumber Type of measurement to plot on the Y-axis:Image Enter the object name:Image Select the Y-axis measurement: Select the Y-axis index:ImageNumber CreateBatchFiles:[module_num:8|svn_version:\'Unknown\'|variable_revision_number:7|show_window:False|notes:\x5B\x5D|batch_state:array(\x5B\x5D, dtype=uint8)|enabled:True|wants_pause:False] Store batch files in default output folder?:Yes Output folder path:/imaging/analysis/2008_11_05_QualityControlForScreens_ImagingPlatform/2011_03_22_DemoPlate_ImagingPlatform/Output Are the cluster computers running Windows?:No Hidden\x3A in batch mode:No Hidden\x3A in distributed mode:No Hidden\x3A default input folder at time of save:/imaging/analysis/2008_11_05_QualityControlForScreens_ImagingPlatform/2011_03_22_DemoPlate_ImagingPlatform/Images Hidden\x3A revision number:11502 Hidden\x3A from old matlab:No Launch BatchProfiler:No Local root path:\\\\\\\\iodine\\\\imaging_analysis Cluster root path:/imaging/analysis Local root path:\\\\\\\\sunexa06\\\\cbimage2\\\\hcs Cluster root path:/cbnt/cbimage2/hcs