package AnnotFilterRule; use strict; use warnings; my @FREE_PASS = qw(Mitelman chimerdb_omim chimerdb_pubmed ChimerKB ChimerPub Cosmic HaasMedCancer); my @FILTER_FLAGS = qw(GTEx_recurrent_StarF2019 BodyMap DGD_PARALOGS HGNC_GENEFAM Greger_Normal Babiceanu_Normal ConjoinG); #### sub examine_fusion_prediction { my ($fusion_result_row) = @_; # # $fusion_result_row has format: # # { # 'LeftBreakpoint' => 'chr17:57161363:-', # 'LeftGene' => 'TRIM37^ENSG00000108395.9', # 'SpanningFragCount' => '3', # 'SpanningFrags' => 'HWI-EAS418:3:83:910:1531,HWI-EAS418:6:2:1243:1560,HWI-EAS418:6:21:1070:1329', # 'RightGene' => 'MYO19^ENSG00000141140.12', # 'FFPM' => '795.8615', # 'JunctionReadCount' => '1', # '#FusionName' => 'TRIM37--MYO19', # 'annots' => '["CCLE","Klijn_CellLines","INTRACHROMOSOMAL[chr17:22.16Mb]"]', # 'LeftBreakDinuc' => 'GT', # 'LargeAnchorSupport' => 'NO_LDAS', # 'JunctionReads' => 'HWI-EAS418:6:85:1228:1056', # 'RightBreakDinuc' => 'AG', # 'RightBreakEntropy' => '1.7819', # 'SpliceType' => 'ONLY_REF_SPLICE', # 'RightBreakpoint' => 'chr17:34863763:-', # 'LeftBreakEntropy' => '1.7465' # } # ============================================================= # This module should examine the contents of the 'annots' field # and decide whether or not to filter the prediction. # ============================================================= my @filter_reasons; # see for annotation attributes my $fusion_annot = $fusion_result_row->{'annots'}; if ($fusion_annot) { foreach my $free_pass_annot (@FREE_PASS) { if ($fusion_annot =~ /$free_pass_annot/) { return(0); # retain fusion. } } my @removal_flags_found; foreach my $removal_flag (@FILTER_FLAGS) { if ($fusion_annot =~ /$removal_flag/) { push (@removal_flags_found, $removal_flag); } } if (@removal_flags_found) { push (@filter_reasons, "possible red herring as found in: " . join(",", @removal_flags_found)); } } if ($fusion_result_row->{'LeftBreakpoint'} =~ /chrM:/i || $fusion_result_row->{'RightBreakpoint'} =~ /chrM:/i) { push (@filter_reasons, "involves a mitochondrial gene"); } my $fusion_name = $fusion_result_row->{'#FusionName'}; if ($fusion_name =~ /HLA/) { push (@filter_reasons, "involves HLA gene"); } my ($geneA, $geneB) = split(/--/, $fusion_name); if ($geneA =~ /^IG[HKVL]/ && $geneB =~ /^IG[HKVL]/) { push (@filter_reasons, "immunoglobulin gene rearrangement"); } ## return(0) if the prediction is acceptable. ## return("reason for rejection") if to be rejected. if (@filter_reasons) { return(join("; ", @filter_reasons)); } else { return(0); # all clear } } #### sub fusion_has_junction_reads_exception { my ($fusion) = @_; # these are fusions that are known to have complex breakpoints, so we make an exception for them. if ($fusion =~ /^IGH.*--CRLF2$/ || $fusion =~ /^CRLF2--IGH/ ) { return(1); } return(0); # by default, no exemption given. } 1; #EOM